Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I got burned

Here's a little back story that shames me:

Back before I met my husband I met this guy whom I thought was gay. I even asked him was he gay and he said he wasn't. I, of course, believed him. I don't think people lie to me or at least I didn't. I've grown up, believe me!!! Anyways, I met my would be husband about a year into this guys and my friendship/relationship. Gay guy, or I'll call him gay guy now just so you don't get confused, 'k, told me he loved me. He told me I was now part of his family. He gave me flowers daily and always danced with me even when there was no music or a dance floor. I was swept off my feet. He was so romantic!!!

We ended up having a big fight when I had finally had enough and told him to make up his mind after he accused me of having sex with my would be husband. I didn't have sex, no way no how. We were just friends and I had thought that my gay guy would have a lot in common with my new friend. I was wrong. Gay guy and I ended our friendship/relationship and within the next year, new friend turned into boyfriend and then husband. About 4 months ago, gay guy came out of the closet. My first thought was, "We could have been Will and Grace." I would have been happy to have just been his friend. I don't discriminate. Hubby always told me this guy was gay but I still refused to believe him because he had told me he wasn't gay.

Last night I was joking with my husband about the conversation below about me out dating and my husband without missing a step says, " I'm sure there are more gay guys out there for you to date."

Damn.. Burned..