Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Joy of Cooking/Sex

I worked my normal shift at work today. I don't know if I'm on call tomorrow or not. I just e-mailed the boss to check and see because I'd hate to sleep in and then get a call. I'm a bitch when I wake up. The husband has the day off as well. It would be wonderful to be able to spend the day together. We love to cook and bake together. errrr I wish we could cook and bake together. We normally end up fighting. He is toooooooooo slow and makes toooooooooooo much mess. I like to use one bowl and rewash it. He has two sinks full of dishes and a counter that is covered in mess. If I spend a lot of time cooking, I certainly don't want to spend an hour cleaning up after. That is soooooo not fun!! Thus we bicker and pick at each other and the joy of cooking turns into world war IIIIIIIIII.